Mike Perrucci's Portfolio
Welcome | Résumé | Fine Art | Web Art | Characters | Animation | Games | Photos | Dominoes | Other
MICHAEL C. PERRUCCI mazeguy5@hotmail.com
EMPLOYMENT - - - - - - |
May 2002 - Nov 2007 Graphic Designer, Bravenet Web Services, Inc.
· Designed graphics, icons and animations for web tools such as guest books and forums.
· Created animated GIF and Flash banners for dozens of advertising clients.
· Produced an animated tour featuring Bravenet's knight mascot and other characters.
· Built a web site demonstrating each of the company’s 20+ web tools.
· Employee of the week: August 9th, 2004.
Nov 1999 - Sep 2001 Graphic Designer, CitX Corp.
· Designed and created new web sites for a wide variety of small businesses.
· Responsible for the look and feel of portals for entertainment, gaming, and restaurants.
· Produced promotional brochures, yellow page ads and movie theater slides.
FREELANCE - - - - - - - - |
October 2015 PerrucciSound.com
· Built website for Perrucci Sound, my brother's audio service and custom cab business.
December 2009 Midwest Beads
· Drew a caricature of the owner of a bead supply store.
October 2008 Snopes.com
· Made green, red and yellow true/false/legend icons for the urban legends website.
EDUCATION - - - - - - - - |
Aug 1996 - May 1999 Associate of Arts, Graphic Design Major, Bucks County Community College
June 1996 Pennridge High School
EXPERIENCE - - - - - - - |
Working with several web design, graphic, and multimedia programs. These include Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, Acrobat and Flash.
Designing print ads, web ads, brochures, movie theater slides, CD/DVD covers, websites, slide shows, animations, computer games, mascots, characters, logos, flyers and props.
Producing artwork with pencils, markers, pen and ink, charcoal, pastels, and paint.
INTERESTS - - - - - - - - |
Smilies I have created over 2,000 pixel art icons that can be used with email, blogs, and forums. They represent emotions, animals, characters, food, flags, and many more.
Dominoes With my brother, we have set up dominoes for "Penn & Teller: BS!" and used thousands of homemade dominoes at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center in Vermont.
Comics In October, 2018, I launched a comic series called Chuck's Devils. It's a Charlie's Angels parody starring three aspiring models turned thieves.
REFERENCES - - - - - - - |
Available upon request. |
I can be contacted through my email address: mazeguy5@hotmail.com